Interview Tips

10 SQL Interview Questions to Assess In-Depth Knowledge

Last Updated: 
December 8, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of database management, SQL proficiency stands as a critical skill for developers and data professionals. As the demand for SQL expertise continues to soar, assessing a candidate's depth of understanding in SQL becomes paramount during interviews. Here, we've compiled a list of 10 potent SQL interview questions designed to unravel the intricacies of a candidate's knowledge and expertise.

1. Explain the Difference Between SQL and NoSQL:

Gauge the candidate's fundamental understanding of database types. SQL databases are relational, structured, and use a predefined schema, while NoSQL databases are non-relational, flexible, and schema-less. A comprehensive answer should touch on their use cases and key differences.

2. Discuss the ACID Properties in the Context of Databases:

Assess the candidate's awareness of the foundational principles governing database transactions—Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. A proficient candidate should articulate how these properties ensure the reliability of database transactions.

3.Illustrate the Usage of INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and RIGHT JOIN:

Evaluate the candidate's grasp of JOIN clauses, a crucial aspect of SQL for combining data from multiple tables. Ask the candidate to provide examples of scenarios where INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and RIGHT JOIN are appropriate, emphasizing their differences.

4. What is an Index, and How Does it Impact Database Performance?

Assess the candidate's understanding of database optimization by delving into the concept of indexes. A strong response should cover what indexes are, how they enhance query performance, and when it's appropriate to use them.

5. Examine the Role of the GROUP BY Clause and its Importance:

Evaluate the candidate's knowledge of aggregate functions and the GROUP BY clause. A proficient candidate should explain how GROUP BY is used to group rows based on specified columns and how it complements aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc.

6. Describe the Difference Between UNION and UNION ALL:

Test the candidate's attention to detail by exploring the nuances between UNION and UNION ALL. UNION merges and removes duplicates, while UNION ALL includes duplicates. A candidate should also highlight the performance implications of using one over the other.

7. Explain the Purpose of the HAVING Clause:

Assess the candidate's understanding of the HAVING clause, particularly in the context of grouped data. A well-rounded answer should clarify that HAVING is used to filter results after the GROUP BY clause and is essential for conditions involving aggregated data.

8. What is Normalization, and Why is it Important in Database Design?

Dive into the candidate's comprehension of database design principles by exploring normalization. Look for an explanation of how normalization minimizes redundancy, improves data integrity, and ensures efficient data storage.

9. Demonstrate the Use of Subqueries in SQL:

Evaluate the candidate's ability to write complex queries by inquiring about subqueries. A proficient candidate should be able to explain what subqueries are, where they can be used, and provide an example showcasing their application.

10. How Would You Retrieve the Nth Highest (or Lowest) Value from a Table?

Assess the candidate's problem-solving skills by asking about retrieving the Nth highest or lowest value from a table. A strong response should involve the use of subqueries, ORDER BY, and the LIMIT or OFFSET clause, showcasing a deep understanding of SQL query construction.


Mastering SQL is indispensable for anyone dealing with databases, and these 10 interview questions serve as a litmus test for a candidate's depth of understanding. By probing into various aspects of SQL, interviewers can unravel not only the candidate's theoretical knowledge but also their practical application of SQL concepts in real-world scenarios. Use these questions to discern the SQL virtuosos in your pool of candidates and build a team with robust database expertise. Good luck with your SQL interviews!

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