A Worca vs. Toptal Comparison

What’s the best all-in-one Payroll & HR platform for your global team?
All-In-One People Platform
Freelancer Network

Everything you need to hire global talent anywhere, anytime

Worca offers the only end-to-end solution for global hiring. We’ll handle your recruiting, payroll, compliance, and HR so you can accelerate your growth.

Get access to the best international talent pool

Save time and hire directly from a database of pre-vetted top global talent.
With Worca
No upfront recruiting costs
Dedicated senior in-house recruiter
Access to database of global top 3% talent
90-day guarantee
Toptal will provide you with a few pre-vetted applicants to review after going through a tedious process to understand your needs. You will not be able to search through their database to find your ideal candidate.

Hire both top-quality full-time employees and contractors

Worca takes care of all your HR and compliance needs so that you can hire workers anywhere.
With Worca
Employer of record solutions
Local legal hiring experts
Fully customizable contracts
Local salary and market insights
Toptal lets you hire gig workers through their platform but does not offer EOR solutions to help you employ full-time or part-time employees.

Fulfill your global onboarding needs all in one platform

Worca's self-service portal streamlines your onboarding process and helps new hires integrate into your teams.
With Worca
Global mobility and visa support
Equipment provisions and management
Employee stock option plans
Localized employee benefits
Toptal does not provide any actual onboarding process. The platform is designed to hire short-term freelancers who are not incentivized to work long-term, so they don't offer stock option plans, localized benefits, or global mobility support.

With Worca

Why People Choose Worca over Toptal

Customer Support
Worca offers the best in class customer support. Our 24/7 in-app live support makes sure we address your issues quickly.
Employer of Record
Worca enables you to hire employees in countries where you don't have an entity. We will ensure your company complies with local tax, HR, and regulations.
More Affordable
Worca can help you find talent to match any budget. There are no upfront recruiting costs, and you'll also be charged when you find the perfect hire. Toptal charges a fee on top of an expensive hourly rate.
Local Insights
Worca's senior recruiters are highly experienced in the geographies that they serve. You'll receive market insights on salary, benefits, and regulations to help you make the best decisions for your company.
Quality Talent
Worca offers a database with exceptional talent looking for long-term engagements or full-time positions. Toptal primarily attracts freelancers looking for short-term gigs. Their talent often works with multiple clients and needs to be incentivized to grow with your company.
Holistic Hiring
Worca can help you recruit individual employees, contractors, or an entire team simultaneously. By understanding your complete needs, Worca can create a more holistic hiring plan and help you save costs. Toptal recruits each position separately, which is inefficient and doesn't account for your company's collective needs.
Easy Process
Worca provides a transparent and easy recruiting process. Our team will schedule a quick call to understand your needs and will start sending you applicants from our highly vetted talent pool. Unlike Toptal, you won't need to go through a sales process, pay a deposit, and fill out lengthy search criteria to get started.
No Upfront Costs
Worca will provide recruiting services with no deposits or upfront costs. In addition, Worca offers a 90-day guarantee to ensure any new hires can fit seamlessly into your organization. Toptal, on the other hand, charges a 500 dollar deposit just to get started.

We compared Worca with Toptal and couldn’t be happier after choosing Worca. The customer support has been amazing and we’re also saving over $1000 per month.”

Shaw Chen
CEO at Basebuild

Don’t hear it from us. Read what our customers are saying

“Worca’s platform help me smoothly manage all our employees and contractors in Asia. The simple workflow saves me many hours every month.”

Madeline Nachbar
Hubly People Operations Lead

“Worca helped me onboard and run payroll in Taiwan instantly. Thanks for saving me months of work to setup an entity and figure out payroll on my own”

Joanne Owyang
Finfare Head of Finance & Operations

“Worca helped me recruit almost 100 top software engineers in Taiwan in 2021. The quality of the talent is impressive”

Gary Yue
Houzz VP of Engineering

“The seamless process from recruiting to onboarding help Spokeo build a team in Taiwan in a month.”

Harrison Tang
Spokeo Co-founder & CEO

Centralize Payroll and related HR tasks

No upfront recruiting costs
Source from the world’s top 5% of talent
Stay compliant effortlessly
One platform for EOR, Payroll, and HR
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